Eat Well Enjoy Life Hummus
This innovative brand of hummus is made from a variety of beans, including white, black, edamame, red lentil and yellow lentil, and comes in eight delicious flavors.
If you’re a fan of fun food facts, perfect pairings, kitchen hacks and other tantalizing trivia, you’ll love our Daily Dish Blog! Read on for delicious topics like DIY projects, Foodie FAQs, new and seasonal products, Wines of the Month, Health Notes from Dr. Liz and more.
This innovative brand of hummus is made from a variety of beans, including white, black, edamame, red lentil and yellow lentil, and comes in eight delicious flavors.
Using the best, freshest and most local produce available, brothers Bob and Joe McClure continue the legacy of their great–grandma Lala’s pickles by bringing them to market for the rest of us to experience.
These jars are fantastic for canning and preserving!
“Putting up” a jar of luscious strawberry jam or pickling a bushel of cucumbers gives you the satisfaction that comes with completing a project yourself. DIY canning also brings you a connection to family, culture and even heritage along with some bonus health and environmental benefits.
These are, by far, my favorite all–natural, handmade potato chips! They’re made from fresh Bakersfield potatoes, which are hand sliced, slow cooked in safflower oil, and then lightly salted with French Mediterranean sea salt.
A true feel–good product,Greenfreak bag clips are made from more than 80 percent recycled Styrofoam. The non–biodegradable plastic is recycled in a specialized process that Greenfreak calls “upcycling”, creating a great bag clip that’s super–durable!
The weather is warming up for spring, and I like to celebrate the change of season with a refreshing beverage from our Coffee Bar! One of my favorites: flavored lemonades and limeades, made with Monin gourmet syrups.
It’s National Nutrition Month! What better time to focus on feeding that hungry body the healthy food it craves. Diet and exercise are still the magic formula for finely tuned physique, and this month we're partnering with California Family Fitness to give one lucky winner a prize package worth its weight in gold.
If every household in the country were to replace one 12–pack of non–recycled bathroom tissue with a 12–pack of Seventh Generation 100 percent recycled toilet paper, we could save 1.9 million trees, 690 million gallons of water, and 4.8 million cubic feet of landfill space.
Take a stand against leprechaun mischief this year! They say you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar, and we think the same goes for leprechauns. At Nugget Markets, you’ll find everything you need to make this edible and delightfully sweet leprechaun trap. We used mini pretzel sticks and peanut butter to build our trap and green goodies like gummy bears, gummy butterflies, Ferrero Rocher, Hershey’s chocolate nuggets, Lucky Charms and a road built from sour belts to entice the leprechaun.