Healthy Grilling Tips
Health Notes by Dr. Liz
Use these healthy grilling tips to feel good about grilling all summer long!
Use these healthy grilling tips to feel good about grilling all summer long!
So is it your turn to throw the office party or have the relatives over for the holidays? This time set a table that your guests will feel good about, with healthy appetizer, entrée and drink options. Use these tips for planning...
The warm smell of baking cookies, cakes and pies becomes such a sweet and cherished part of the holidays. But too often this also means an abundance of not-so-good-for-you treats loaded with calories along with extra fat and sugar. This holiday season, try using these healthier ingredient options in your favorite baking recipes.
Breast Cancer Awareness month reminds us that this all too common form of cancer impacts women of all ages: approximately one in nine will be afflicted. Research shows that diet during childhood as well as later in life can lower breast cancer risk and help protect from recurrence of cancer. Here are some simple diet and lifestyle strategies for protection ...
As you gear up for the start of school, make sure healthy snacking is on your to-do list. Kids need to snack, especially after school. Their growing, active bodies and brains need fuel more frequently throughout the day than adults. In fact, 20 to 30 percent of kids’ daily energy needs should come from snacks.
Not sure what’s better – the food or the fireworks, but the 4th is certainly an eater’s delight. From backyard BBQs to pool parties, July 4th brings out some of summer’s delicious and healthful offerings. Here’s the rundown on a few 4th favorites...
With National Heart Health month here, super foods like salmon and olive oil usually get top billing. But don’t forget that physical activity plays a vital role in heart health at every age. Here’s a rundown on what daily exercise can do for your heart along with tips on how to fit fitness into your life...
Pull out the mixer, cookie cutters and Grandma’s recipes – it’s time for the busy baker in all of us to shine! Spruce up some of your recipes this season by adding a few healthy ingredients.
During these dogs days of summer, warm temperatures put demands on your fluid needs. Especially if you are exercising or playing in the heat, you can lose tremendous amounts of fluid as sweat that quickly evaporates from your skin, helping your body cool. Most adults lose anywhere from 1 to 2 quarts of sweat per hour of exercise outdoors, while children lose a quart or less an hour.
In honor of National Health Month, we are partnering with the American Heart Association to raise heart health awareness. We invite you to attend a series of free Heart Healthy Eating seminars with Dr. Liz Applegate, Ph.D., director of sports nutrition for U.C. Davis.