Healthy Grilling Tips
Health Notes by Dr. Liz
Use these healthy grilling tips to feel good about grilling all summer long!
Use these healthy grilling tips to feel good about grilling all summer long!
Just in! A brand new apple variety just hit our stores and it's juicy, sweet, and crisp. But hurry in, they won't be around for long.
Making their traditional appearance this time of year with ghoulishly carved faces, pumpkins also should make a showing on the dinner table for a boost to heart health. Pumpkins are packed with a staggering 10,000 milligrams of carotenes in a half-cup mashed (either made from fresh pumpkins or scooped right out of a can). These compounds, which act as antioxidants, help protect heart health by keeping the “bad” LDL cholesterol from damaging artery walls. Cooked pumpkin also supplies potassium and fiber, both crusaders for heart health.
‘Tis the season for cranberries, and they’re fresh in Nugget’s produce section from September through December. The fiber in cranberries is the water-soluble type that’s been shown to help curb appetite as well as lower circulating levels of cholesterol.’
This is the time of year to eat “green.” Green leafy veggies, that is. These wondrous leaves are packed with traditional vitamins and minerals, along with a host of phytonutrients known to ward off a variety of ailments from Alzheimer’s to certain types of cancer. Whether you use them as a base for fresh salads, as a cooked side dish or for colorful sandwich fillings, greens are “in” this spring!