Meet 'Cha at the Swimmin' Hole
Deep Eddy is the oldest swimming hole in Texas. Inspired by this time–honored landmark, Deep Eddy Vodka brings you “the smoothest, highest quality vodka around.”
If you’re a fan of fun food facts, perfect pairings, kitchen hacks and other tantalizing trivia, you’ll love our Daily Dish Blog! Read on for delicious topics like DIY projects, Foodie FAQs, new and seasonal products, Wines of the Month, Health Notes from Dr. Liz and more.
Deep Eddy is the oldest swimming hole in Texas. Inspired by this time–honored landmark, Deep Eddy Vodka brings you “the smoothest, highest quality vodka around.”
You are cordially invited to afternoon tea with Miss Poppy, tea maven extraordinaire and all–around adorable hostess, as she presents the do’s and don’ts of tea sipping etiquette. Have a seat between the March Hare and the Mad Hatter, and get ready to party with Poppy!
If you’re looking to mind your teas and q’s, this is the book for you! Healing Teas, by Marie Nadine Antol, is a comprehensive look into the world of tea, including its fascinating history, uses, misuses, health benefits, preparation techniques, culture, and brewing applications. From chamomile to garlic, from Essiac to Kombucha, Healing Teas contains a wealth of information (including an herb guide with detailed descriptions) for the tea lover in your life.
Besides water, tea is by far the world’s most popular beverage. Tea drinking, a common ritual in many countries offering guests a welcome or an afternoon spot of relaxation, is also a good practice for your health. “Tea” tea (green, black, white and oolong—all from the same tropical Camellia sinensis plant) along with herbal teas come from plants, which contain powerful health boosting antioxidant compounds. Here’s a quick run down on tea types and benefits.
Back in 2009, during San Francisco’s underground food renaissance, Rana Lehmer–Chang transformed her mother’s traditional kombucha recipe to include high–quality white, green, and black teas blended with fragrant flowers, and the company now known as House Kombucha was born.
Your digestive system has more going on inside of it than you may realize. There are literally trillions of bacteria that live mostly in the lower parts of your intestines—the colon. These bacteria establish a “city” of sorts with many different “neighborhoods” of friendly (healthy) and non–friendly (harmful) bacteria types. Your immune health depends upon the friendly bacteria out–numbering the non– friendly neighbors. Scientists view the intestinal track as the first line of defense against illness, so maintaining ample friendly bacteria ultimately keeps you well. Stress, poor sleep, sporadic eating or poor dietary choices can each disrupt the balance of friendly versus non–friendly bacteria. Take these simple steps to promote healthy bacteria in your intestines and a strong immune system.
Print your shopping list for week 2 of the 21-Day Challenge.
Print your shopping list for week 1 of the 21-Day Challenge.
Rich in fiber and Omega–3’s, flax seed has been renowned for its myriad of health benefits since ancient times. In fact, the early Greeks and Romans snacked on a handful or two of flaxseeds. Add flaxseed meal to your hot or cold cereal, pancakes, and waffles for a robust nutty flavor, and save the raw whole seeds for when you want to add a little crunch. Try using ground flax seed instead of eggs in baking and cooking. Simply add 1 tablespoon ground flax seed with 3 tablespoons warm water, let sit until a gel forms and use for 1 egg in recipe (pancakes, quick breads).
Instead of starving yourself and biting off more than you can chew at the gym, embark on a different journey, one that changes your lifestyle and health for good. This straightforward three–week eating and fitness program, designed with busy people in mind, is more about making good–for–your–body decisions rather than punishing you with cutting calories and tough–to–do workouts.